Vehicle Magnets

Vehicle Magnets
Vehicle Magnets

Our magnet sheet uses a high quality 30 mil material with a smooth surface for best color printing. Best suited for car door signage, it also serves as temporary signage for construction sites or other quick-changing work environments. Magnets are printed Direct UV for a long lasting matte graphic appearance. 

Note: Please allow magnet to magnetize to your vehicle overnight before driving. Your magnet may detach if you do not allow ample time for magnetization.

Vehicle Magnets

Vehicle Magnets   (347014)

Our magnet sheet uses a high quality 30 mil material with a smooth surface for best color printing. Best suited for car door signage, it also serves as temporary signage for construction sites or other quick-changing work environments. Magnets are printed Direct UV for a long lasting matte graphic appearance. 

Note: Please allow magnet to magnetize to your vehicle overnight before driving. Your magnet may detach if you do not allow ample time for magnetization.

Form ID: 347014

  1. Enter Quantity
  2. *Size

  3. File(s)